Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17, 2008

Poor Mae Mae,

I received a call last night at 9:45 p.m. that my niece Macey broke her ankle. She doesn't have a cast on yet, but she has to have her leg wrapped all the way up to her thigh. Jenny is going to have her hands full.


Jenny said...

I like the picture of the cast! She's in a lot less pain today...she's excited about getting a BLUE cast! hope that's an option :)

Carol Sue said...

I am Aunt Carol from Portland, and now I have the pleasure of seeing your blog and following your pregnacy. How fun. I was pressured into this blogging too, well not pressured, but Jen and Bren encouraged me too start one. I have found that I have mastered it with some success, but I am just starting like you. I am on Brenda and Jenny's blog list listed as Aunt Carol....I love the bright yellow cast.